Gateway Center for the Arts, by Florida Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, July 19-August 16, 2009 (extended 8/24/09 Batik
The Fifth Annual Scholarship Event, The Orlando Chapter of the National Alumnae Assn. of Spelman College, November 2,2008. Painting
Oseaola Center for the Arts, Kissimmee, Fl, Black Artist Group (BAG) September 6-September 30, 2008, Painting and Sculpture
Orlando City Hall, Terrace Gallery, March 17-June 1, 2008, Photography: "Backlight" and "Brave New World".
Orlando City Arts Factory, January 17-February 18, 2008 PAINTING
Tajiri School of Performing Arts, Sanford, Fl, February 24-April 24, 2007 Painting and Sculpture
The Zora Neale Hurston Festival Of The Arts, A collaborative work, "THE EATONVILLE WATER TOWER QUILT" January 20-April 27, 2007
The Oseaola Center For the Arts, Kissimmee, Fl, April 7-30, 2006 Painting
The Orlando City Hall, Mayor's Gallery, January 17-March 13, 2005 Painting
Crealde Art School, 24th Student Juried Exhibit, July 9-August 11, 2004 Sculpture (PRIZE WINNING)
The Life Center Church, City Scape (PAINTING, Set Design )July, 5-11, 2004
Bethune-Cookman College, February 17-April 4, 2003, Painting
Zora Neale Hurston National Museum , March 2, 2002-May 3, 2002 Painting
Orlando Museum of Art, Grandma Moses Exhibit (From Grandmother's Brush) September 15-October 28, 2001, Painting
The Life Center Church, Set Artist/Design, Christmas Production, December 19,23, 2001
The African American Museum of the Arts (Deland, Fl), December 10-January 27, 2001 Painting
Oseaola Center for the Arts (Kissimmee, Fl) February 1,-March 2, 1997 Painting
The Ethnic Art Gallery, March 1-15, 1997 Painting
Zora Neale Hurston Festival of the Arts, Juried Art Show 1991 Painting
Zora! 20th Annual(magazine), Zora Neale Hurston Festival of the Arts and Humanities, January 20-25, 2009.
ORLANDO, the City Magazine, March 2008, p.47 Photography
THE HERALD (Sanford, Fl) March 11, 2007, p.5
Onyx Magazine,March/April 2006 Volume 9,Number 2, Onyx Profile article "Ted Hollins: the Man & His Camera", pps.32,33(article)
90.7 WMFE -FM, Artist Interview, (aired) March 5, 2005
Fourteenth Annual Zora Neal Hurston Festival of the Arts and Humanities Magazine, January 23-26, 2003 p.41
Orlando Sentinel, April 27, 2002, Section E: pp. E1, E3
O'Arts Magazine, August-September 2001, pp. 22,2
Orlando Sentinel, October 2, 2001, Section: Living, pp. E1, E3
Orlando Leisure Magazine, September/October 2001, p.14
The Life Center Church, Program "A Christmas Dream", December 19,23, 2001
Tenth Annual Zora (Festival Magazine), January 27-31, 1999,p.94 (collage)
O'Arts Magazine, Winter Issue, February-March 1999, p.29
Bethune Cookman College, 1998-1999 Cultural Arts Calendar
Black Family Today Magazine, February-March 1997, pp. 46, 46
BA Magazine, Febraury 1991, Vol.2, Issue 5, p.6 (collage)
NAACP ACT-SO, Judge, Orlando Youth Competition, (sculpture, drawing and painting) 2009
NAACP Act-S0, Judge, National Youth competition ( sculpture) 7/2008
Valencia Community College, African American Arts Club, Certificate of recognition for artist program participation, 2008.
Zora Neale Hurston National Museum, International Artists, Betye Saar and Mildred Howard, Joint curators "Kindred Spirits" exhibits; Assistant to artists in the installation and deinstallation of exhibits, 2008.
Zora Neale Hurston National Museum, Eric D. Robertson, Curator "American Culture and African Textiles: An Enduring Relationship", Voluteer Consultant to Mr. Robertson on double exhibit installations, 2006.
Letter of Appreciation and Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from The Honorable Corrine Brown for participation in Annual Art Competition "An Artistic Discovery" 2006.
Crealde School of Art,, 24th Juried Art Exhibit, 3rd place in Sculpture. 2004.
Orlando Museum of Art, January 2000, Juried selection for participation in "From Grandmother's Brush" as Part of Grandma Moses exhibition.
Organization Affiliations
Black Artist Group
Florida Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts
Florida Sculpture Group